Physical discomforts

When it comes to depersonalization disorder, a whole array of physical symptoms and discomforts can occur. Some of these symptoms are closely linked to impairments of the senses. As seeing and hearing are impaired, those affected must undergo great efforts to mitigate these impairments. This leads to tension, pain in the eyes and headaches, fatigue and exhaustion, unsteady walking, and the tendency to bump into things or to stumble.

Some of those affected complain about diffused or other physical symptoms that cannot be classified. These include physical unease, being overstrung, dizziness, panic attacks and sleeping problems, choking feelings in the throat, stomach aches, and many more.

Overall, in cases of depersonalization disorder one’s experience is largely directed towards one’s own body and one’s own capacity for perception. Those affected often observe themselves and for this reason tend to be aware of even the smallest changes (Depersonalization as a permanent problem). Often, these changes are ascribed to depersonalization disorder, even though other physical illnesses may be behind them. (Depersonalization is not the reason of everything)

Physical discomforts should always be assessed by medical professionals. Sometimes such discomforts may be caused by physical impairments or deficiencies. For example, an iron or vitamin D3 deficiency can lead to headaches, dizziness, fatigue and exhaustion. As in Central Europe many people experience a vitamin D3 deficiency due to the lack of sunlight, and also iron deficiency is common among women of childbearing age, it makes sense to have these values checked and to compensate them orally or intravenously. This can also have positive effects on the transportation of oxygen into the blood stream and can lead to a clear improvement of depersonalization experiences.

Other physical discomforts like stomach aches or digestive problems should also be assessed by a medical professional and should be treated accordingly. Those affected by depersonalization who are not diagnosed with a physical disorder should avoid running from one doctor to another in the hopes of finding a physical explanation for their symptoms. Such behavior will ultimately lead to the fact that physical discomforts will keep manifesting as attention is continuously directed towards them.

In such cases, it makes sense to direct attention to something else outside their own body.